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Chief Justice Flags Off Four-Day Induction for New Magistrates
Some of the newly appointed Magistrate Grade Ones attending the induction

The Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny - Dollo, urged the newly appointed Magistrates Grade One to always serve with utmost humility and integrity and make upright decisions without fear, favor, malice, affection or ill will as expected of them.

He said for effective justice to be dispensed, the magistrates ought to be independent and impartial. Further, the Chief Justice called on them to exercise propriety, equality, competence and diligence as per their Judicial Code of Conduct.

This, the Chief Justice said, while officiating at a four-day induction of 91 newly appointed magistrates Grade One at Mestil hotel on December 6, 2021.

The CJ stated that they have a number of strategic objectives to meet in line with the Judiciary's Strategic Plan V. The objectives include; enhancing equitable access to Judiciary Services; improve Court processes, case management and strengthening the use of ICT in the administration of justice.

The others are developing and supporting the Judiciary workforce and institutional capacity; improving coordination, partnerships and accountability, resource mobilization and management as well as improved public awareness and the image of the Judiciary. 

He applauded the Governing Council, Executive Director of JTI and Management for organizing a timely induction.

In a message delivered by the head of the Civil Division, Hon. Justice Musa Ssekaana, the Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija said, "I will offer you the necessary support within my powers to enable you succeed in delivering Justice to all people without fear, favor or ill will."

He also tasked the newly appointed magistrates to restore public confidence in the Judiciary by observing and maintaining ethics and integrity.

Hon. Lady Justice Damalie N. Lwanga, the Executive Director of the Judicial Training Institute urged the participants to acquire knowledge and practical skills to execute their duties as Judicial Officers.

The induction programme covered the professional and practical aspects of judicial work including areas of administration.

Posted 7th, December 2021
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